Truly Amazing Homes

Amazing Homes: The Classical Music House

Published by Peter Parker under on 14:31

This is the house of Leonard Bernstein. That's him on his little moped, just coming home from a gig with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Looks a bit like a CGI effect - but it's real. There's a pool at the bottom of the violin and the piano plays Für Elise when you ring the doorbell. Why can't we all live in our dreams? Well, maybe we should.

Amazing Homes: The Duck House

Published by Peter Parker under on 15:53

Quack-quack! (that's the sound of the door bell). There's not much head room here and it's probably quite dark in there - but the kids will LOVE it!

Amazing Homes: The Guitar House

Published by Peter Parker under on 15:35

How cool is that??! Well, would be even cooler if it was a in the shape of a white Gretsch White Falcon electric guitar, but you can't have it all. I wonder if there are actual strings on the roof where you can put up your washing!!